This script is running where my e-mail client is
(MicroSoft Look)...
I am not running on remote......
I am running on local....Network

I am using Microsoft Outlook 2002
I used following procedure to get the my-email server
1. On Outlook "Tools====>options====>Mail
Setup===>E-mail Accounts==>view existing E-mail
==>microsoft exchange server==>"Double click on
Microsoft exchange server"==

I got following 


Then i did ping...I got some IP address

then I did nslookup
then I got the following host name

Is this is not my SMTP server ?

what could be the reasons for not getting the

Then i setup the debug option.....

After that i got following error
 Couldnt make Connection: Unknown error

How to set debug option....
is following is correct...
following is my script

sub send_mail { 
            my ( $to, $from, $subject , @body)=@_ ;

            use Net::SMTP ; 
            my $relay='';
                        print "relay is : $relay\n";
            my $smtp=Net::SMTP->new($relay, 
                                Hello => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
                                Timeout => 30,
                                Debug => 1) ;
                        print "SMTP is : $smtp\n";
            die " Couldnt make Connection: $!\n"  if
(! defined $smtp)  ;
            $smtp->mail($from) ;
            $smtp->datasend("TO: $to\n");
            $smtp->datasend("From: $from\n");
            $smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject \n");
            $smtp->datasend ("\n" ) ;
            foreach (@body) {
                        $smtp->datasend("$_ \n") ;
            $smtp->dataend() ; 
            $smtp->quit ; 

           @body=( "This is a TEST MESSAGE" ) ;
"hello", @body);


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------
> On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 17:09:40 -0000, "dan"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I tried telnetting to that host on port 25, it
> exclaimed "host could not be
> > found". Seems that's your problem.
> > 
> Not necessarily, unless you are on the same local
> network as him. He could have an internal route/DNS
> available behind a firewall that you should never
> even know about and would never be able to use from
> outside of it, but to him the DNS and route are
> perfectly acceptable. Which brings up another
> point/question, is the script he is running remote
> or local?  Even if his local mail client uses that
> mail host, if the script is in a remote location, it
> *may not* have access to that same server....
> -- 
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