Thanks George,  I thought that was something I had in earlier that I had
accidentally deleted...I took your advice though and stuck that html header
in there after the shebang and just before I printed out any html.
Unfortunately your suggestion didn't fix the problem.  The hosting company
I'm working with says the cgi-bin is executable, and there are other scripts
there that run besides the fact that the permissions seem setup correctly.
Please let me know if any of you have any other hints.  I'd like to resolve
this problem soon if at all possible.


"Sam Mauntz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> To all you perl gurus out there...
> I've got this file named the interest of
> troubleshooting my problem, I've thinned
> my script to the following code...
> #!/usr/bin/perl
>    print "<HTML>\n";
>    print "<HEAD>\n";
>    print "<TITLE>Perl Test Page</TITLE>\n";
>    print "</HEAD>\n";
>    print "<BODY>\n";
> print "Perl Test Page\n";
> print "</BODY>\n";
> print "</HTML>\n";
> Here's a printout of the perms on the file...
> lsh110:~/www/cgi-bin$ ls -l
> -rwxrwxr-x   1 portaven portaven      212 Feb  3 02:39*
> and I know the perl path is correct because the file runs correctly at
> the command line if I type
> perl
> My problem is that when I try to run it from a browser I get a 500 web
> error message.  Does anyone
> have any ideas what might be causing this?

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