
what i'm creating is just an EXTREMELY script that sends an array to another
script via PIPE.
This is what i have:

#! /usr/bin/perl
@file = qw (tony boby zombie anthony martine eric charlie);
open(SORT, "| perl sorted.pl");

chomp $_;
print SORT "$_\n";

print "DID it WORKed??";

Now in my other script called  sorted. pl i'm using the "sort" command to
sort the array. But my question is How should i write the sorted.pl script
to received the data and then send it back If you could write the code for
me please.
I tried, @ARGV - <STDIN>  or shift but no luck. I really don't know how to
do it

Any help GREATLY appreciated, maybe my other script is also wrong,


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