I want to learn about encryption.  I've browsed CPAN
and thought I would give this a try:


I used CPAN to install it and my perl version is 5.8
for win32.  

A little script I wrote couldn't find the module so I
proceeded to install it with makefile.pl,nmake, nmake
test, nmake install.  The test.pl file couldn't find
the module.  

How do I track and fix this error?  I've downloaded a
C compiler called Miracle C.  Do I have to compile the
.c program included with the module?  There aren't any
installation instructions with the readme file.

Also after looking at the Serpent.c program it seems
to have some missing files.

Miracle C Compiler (r3.2), written by bts.
line  10: #include EXTERN.h ignored--file not found.
line  11: #include perl.h ignored--file not found.
line  12: #include XSUB.h ignored--file not found.
line  14: #include patchlevel.h ignored--file not
Compiling c:\perl\lib\crypt-serpent-1.01\serpent.c



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