blue wrote:
 I have used NEt::telnet for remote login and
automatic login to oen freebsd , it's ok and i could
login ,but how can i telnet as root?
Well to login as root is different than to su in as root, which do you need?

 i mean how can i do "su - root" with net::telnet ?
 or is there other way to do that ?
Have you read the docs for Net::Telnet? It appears you should login, then use the 'print' and 'waitfor' commands to do you 'su'. Then any commands following that should be done in a privileged manner.

perldoc Net::Telnet

From the above:

"Consider using a combination of "print()" and "waitfor()" as an alternative to this method when it doesn’t do what you want, e.g. the command you send prompts for input."

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