> > Hi, all.
> > I was reading the perlsub docs and hit this speedbump:
> > 
> >      NOTE: The behaviour of a "my" statement modified with a
> >      statement modifier conditional or loop construct (e.g. "my
> >      $x if ...") is undefined.  The value of the "my" variable
> >      may be "undef", any previously assigned value, or possibly
> >      anything else.  Don't rely on it.  Future versions of perl
> >      might do something different from the version of perl you
> >      try it out on.  Here be dragons.
> > 
> > I failed to parse.
> > Could someone elaborate that, please? :)
> What version of Perl are you running. The above does not appear in
> the perlsub doc page for 5.6.1 on Solaris, however on my 5.8.0 Red
> Hat 8.0 it does. Which seems very weird.

I could swear I'd seen something like it, but I think it was just a
warning in a faq that

  my $x if 0;

wouldn't bother to make $x, which I understood.

I'm running 5.8 on Solaris.

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