I'm writing a simple script (qstat) to sum, count, and average whatever stream of 
numbers the user throws at it.

It loops through @ARGV reading files, so it works fine if I say:

  qstat somefile someotherfile

However I'd like to be able to do:

  awk '{print $1}' somefile | qstat

This doesn't work.  How do I accept input from a pipe?


- Bryan

ps.  Here's the script, in case that helps:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# qstat, v0.1
# by Bryan Harris, 2/21/03
# This script provides simple statistics 
# about all the numbers in the provided files
# Much handier if used in conjunction with
# awk

# check for sufficient command line inputs
#if ($#ARGV < 0) {
#   print "Usage:  qstat <list of files>\n";
#   exit(0); }

$sum = 0;
$count = 0;
$max = -1e24;
$min = 1e24;

undef $/;

# loop through files
foreach $file (@ARGV) {

  open(FILE, $file) || die("Couldn't open $file: $!\n");
  $_ = <FILE>;      

  @nums = split;
  foreach (@nums) {
    if (/^[\d\.\-\+]/) {
    $sum += $_;
    ($_ > $max) && ($max = $_);
    ($_ < $min) && ($min = $_);

if ($count) {
  $avg = $sum/$count;
  $range = $max - $min;
  print "sum\tcount\trange\tmin\tmax\tavg\n$sum\t$count\t$range\t$min\t$max\t$avg\n";


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