basically, what it does, is it reads info, and supposed to output so the
user can download the data it's just output, webserver does support scripts,
it outputs
the correct data, but my goal is to be able to get the "download file"
window up, and be able to store a "servers.ini" file from the data the perl
script outputs.


"Dan Muey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Not really sure what you're problem/goal is but if the script's code shows
up in the browser or it wants to download the script, Then your webserver
doesn't do .pl extensions. Try .cgi as the extension.
Also make sure it's executable.

If it a problem writing files try :


If you're trying to write a file on a remote server try

See for those modules.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: dan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 5:16 PM
> Subject: Dynamic downloads
> I'm making a script that enables you to download content off
> a server as it is, so the data is as up to date as it could
> ever possibly be. I have this:
> $number = 0;
> $path = "/home/sites/site2/users/dan/web/servers/networks/";
> print "Content-type:text/plain\n\n";
> print qq~; Please send detailed suggestions, new servers,
> network errors, and broken ; links to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Details on
> [servers]
> ~;
> opendir(DIR,$path);
> while ($file = readdir DIR) {
>  next if $file eq '.' or $file eq '..';
> open(NETWORK,"$path$file");  foreach $line (<NETWORK>) {
>   chomp($line);
>   if (substr($line,0,4) eq "PASS") {
>   } else {
>    ($net,$desc,$ports) = split(/\|/,$line);
>    if (lc(substr($desc,0,6)) eq "random") {
>     if (substr($desc,7) eq "") {
>      $desc = "Random $file Server";
>     } else {
>      $desc = "Random " . substr($desc,7) . " $file Server";
>     }
>    }
>    print "n$number=$desc" . "SERVER:$net:$ports" . "GROUP:$file\n";
>    $number++;
>   }
>  }
>  close(NETWORK);
> }
> closedir DIR;
> however, if I click on the link on the web page which
> executes the script, it appears either a) in the
> web browser, or b) as a file. How can i make this
> so when clicking the link it creates a servers.ini file on the fly?
> Thanks in advance.
> Dan
> --
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