Just create a separate file to hold your "library" routines.  You may name
the file anything you like.  Be sure to put the line:


at the top of the file (changing it to match where your version of perl is
installed).  I also put a:


on the next line to keep perl from bombing out(this may not be necessary for
you but it was for me).  Then just put all your subroutines in the new file:

sub MySub
...(code here)
sub MySub2{
...(code here)

The last step is to put a "require" statement in your perl program so that
it knows where to find the "library" or subroutines.  This line looks like

require '/var/www/cgi-bin/lib/filename';

Of course you will need to change the above line to match your directory
structure and filename.  That's all there is to it.  Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shishir K. Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 4:47 PM
Subject: Divide Perl script


How can I divide my perl program in different files(in other words..move the
sub routines in different files ) and then do an include in the mail perl
file. The reason why I want to do this is because my main program is growing
day by day and it's becoming difficult to navigate through it. Is there any
alternate method to do this?


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