Hello all,

I have a script that I have been working on with perl builder and win2000. I have it 
working correctly at this point on the win 2000 machine. Although, I am not finished, 
I wanted to do a test on the server at this point to make sure everything is working 
correctly... That is where my problem begins...

in my script I have a subroutine that begins with this line... 

my @stuff = split(/&/,<STDIN>);

As I said, it works on win 2000 but when I upload it to the server (linux) it fails to 
carry through the variables. I have narrowed the problem down to this line by 
injecting good values into the variables after this line and the values carry through 
without a problem.

Does that line get treated differently on a linux machine as opposed to a win32 

Any help that anyone provides will be appreciated.

Dave Gerler

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