Yannick Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm just trying to make a structure with a hash containing some
> references to other (yet unused) hashes.
> So what I wrote this:
>   $intHash1Ref = {};
>   $intHash2Ref = {};
>   %containerHash = { hash1 => $intHash1Ref, hash2 => $intHash2Ref};
> Then when I try to have a list of keys to that containerHash:
>   print keys(%containerHash);
> I get some hexadecimal values like:
>   HASH(0x813f9b0)
> How can I manage to do that cleanly? 
> I'm searching in "Programming Perl 3th Ed." for that but I don't get
> it... yet.

A couple of problems here:

First, always use 'use strict' and 'use warnings'.

Second, use 'my $intHash1Ref', etc.

Third, the curly braces '{ }' are for hash references (in this
context), not a hash, so:

>   %containerHash = { hash1 => $intHash1Ref, hash2 => $intHash2Ref};

should be:

my %containerHash = ( hash1 => $intHash1Ref, hash2 => $intHash2Ref );

The above changes clean things up enough so that we can look at your
actual question.  The output of the script now is:


Which are the keys of %containerHash, instead of HASH(0xblahblah).

To address your actual question, what you were printing was the hash
*reference* in $containerHash - the string representation of which
isn't very useful to you.  If you just want to look at the hash for
debugging purposes, use Data::Dumper:

use Data::Dumper;

[ your code ...]

print Data::Dumper->Dump([(%containerHash)]);

Which, with the changes I mentioned above, gives you:

$VAR1 = 'hash1';
$VAR2 = {};
$VAR3 = 'hash2';
$VAR4 = {};

Data::Dumper would have expanded $VAR2 and $VAR4 if the hashes
referenced by $intHash1Ref and $intHash2Ref had anything in them.
Data::Dumper isn't really user-friendly enough for actual output
though.  For that, you need to access the hashes directly:

#First, loop over the keys of %containerHash:
foreach my $hkey (keys %containerHash) { # 'hash1', then 'hash2'

#Now, loop over the keys in each of the hashes stored in %containerHash:
  foreach my $intkey (keys %{$containerHash{$hkey}}) {

# $containerHash{$hkey} gives us the hash reference which is the value
# of $containerHash for the given key.  Also known as $intHash1Ref and
# $intHash2Ref.  We dereference that hashref with '%{ }', and loop over
# the keys.

    my $value = $containerHash{$hkey}->{$intkey};

# This time we're dereferencing the hashrefs in $containerHash with
# '->{$intkey}' and getting the value stored in $intHash1Ref (or 2)
# for that key.

    print "Hash '$hkey': key = '$intkey', value = '$value'";

Oh, and we usually don't capitalize variables in perl.  See: perldoc
perlstyle for recommendations.

Example code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -l

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

my $intHash1Ref = { one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 };
my $intHash2Ref = { ten => 10, eleven => 11, twelve => 12 };

my %containerHash = ( hash1 => $intHash1Ref, hash2 => $intHash2Ref );

print Data::Dumper->Dump([(%containerHash)]);

foreach my $hkey (keys %containerHash) { # 'hash1', then 'hash2'
  foreach my $intkey (keys %{$containerHash{$hkey}}) { # the keys of $intHash1Ref and 
    my $value = $containerHash{$hkey}->{$intkey};
    print "$hkey: key = '$intkey', value = '$value'";



Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

"The Sage does nothing, yet nothing remains undone."
-Lao Tzu, Te Tao Ching

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