On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Paul Johnson wrote:

> George P. said:
> > On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Scott R. Godin wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> my @scores;
> >> my @files = glob "/home/johann/smail/Spam/*";
> >> foreach my $file (@files) {
> >>         open(IN, "<", $file) or die "Cannot open file $file: $!";
> >>         while (<IN>) {
> >>                 next unless /^Subject:/;
> >>                 push @scores, $_;
> >>                 last; # found what we need, no need to go further with
> >> this file
> >>         }
> >>         close IN or die "Cannot close filehandle for $file: $!";
> >> }
> >
> > I noticed that you've said
> > "open () or die()"
> > and
> > "close() or die()"
> >
> > If open fails, the program will kill itself, so the close function
> > will never be called.
> > Therefore there is no need to say "close() or die()"
> I don't follow this logic.
> If you are reminding us that since the file manipulation is within a loop
> the open automatically closes the previous file and therefore you can get
> away without doing an explicit close, then this is quite correct.  But I
> don't think this is what you are saying.
> If you are saying that because the file was successfully opened the close
> cannot fail, then this is not correct.  Now, it might not fail very often,
> and even when it does you might not care, but then again you might, and I
> normally do.  If something goes wrong, I like to know about it.

I can't think of any instance when open() will return a true value
and still fail to open an handle to the file.

If such a thing does happen (even if it is 1 out of a million times)
then I too will have to adopt this habit.

Can you explain a situation when such a thing can happen??

George P.

> > You've done it thrice in this email, so I'm presuming
> > that it's a habitual thing.
> And a good habit, IMHO.
> > Putting it won't hurt, but it's not useful either.
> I hope to have convinced you otherwise.
> > Just thought I should point it out :)
> Me too :)
> --
> Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://www.pjcj.net
> --
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