On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Deb wrote:

> Here's the modified script.  I made some changes, as suggested, but there
> was no change in the output.  I've included my entire script.  My head is 
> getting mighty flat from banging it against the wall.  Oh, and I added "use
> warnings;" and I haven't got a clue what I need to do to fix those.  <sigh>
> I'd *LOVE* to be able to use GetOpt::Std - but I wasn't able to get it to 
> look at something other than @ARGV - I need to process files on the fly 
> that have the lines as delineated in __DATA__, below.  
> My goals are to see if the -x option exists, and if it does get its
> argument.  I also need to do certain things based on -h and -r and their
> respective arguments.  This would all tied to the argument of -x (I guess
> this would be the key to everything).  -x arg always exists on these lines,
> while the others may or may not.  The argument to -x is the root of
> everything else.  
> I can see how I'd do this if I could use GetOpt::Std - is this possible 
> given that it is not actually coming from the commandline?
> Here's my script...  as it stands now:
> #!/bin/perl -w
> use warnings;

You can have either the -w flag or use warnings, you don't have to turn 
them both on :-)

> use strict;
> my %cmdLine;

Move the above declaration inside the while loop

> my %newHash;
> my $DBG = 1;
> my ($onceMore, $opt, $arg);

You are not using $onceMore anywhere in the script. You can also move the 
declaration of $opt and $arg after the while loop.

> while (<DATA>) {
>     chomp;
>     my ($adx, $rest) = (split(/:/,$_));
>     if ($DBG) {print "\$adx=\t<$adx>\n\$rest=\t<$rest>\n";}
>     while (defined ($rest) && $rest ne "") {
>         my ($opt, $arg, $newRest) = ($rest =~ /\s*([\-a-z]*)\s+([^ ]*)\s+(.*)/);

The problem is with the last \s+, when you are parsing the final tuple 
$rest contains this '-h ten-me-900'. Due to the final \s+ the above regex 
will not match. This leaves $opt, $arg and $newRest as undefined. Change 
the final \s+ to \s* and you will be fine. The above regex can actually be 
written as

$rest =~ /^\s*(-[a-z])\s*(\S+)(.*)$/

Anchor your regexes
>         $rest = $newRest;
>         $cmdLine{$opt} = $arg;

An undefined $opt would mean assigning to an undefined hash key. This 
throws the 'Uninitialized ....' warning (thanks to -w or use warnings)

>     }

You can comment out the following three line

>     # parse the final tuple...
>     my ($opt, $arg, $newRest) = ($rest =~ /\s*([\-a-z]*)\s+([^ ]*)\s+(.*)/);
>     $cmdLine{$opt} = $arg;
>     # Build out the data structure
>     my $masterKey = $cmdLine{'-x'};
>     foreach my $opt (keys %cmdLine) {
>         $newHash{$masterKey}{$opt} = $cmdLine{$opt};
>     }
> }
> foreach my $masterKey (sort keys %newHash) {
>     print "$masterKey\n";
>     foreach my $opt (sort keys %{$newHash{$masterKey}}) {
>         print "\t$opt\t" . $newHash{$masterKey}{$opt} . "\n";
>     }
> }
> __DATA__
> ten-me-900: -r timbu -x me-900 -h ten-me-900
> hidit: -r tenbu -x networks-users -h hidit
> postal: -x direct -h postal
> pickit: -h pickit -x uncrp -r oakd

Getopt::Std is still the safest and easiest solution :-) 

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