Deb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Still struggling with multilevel hashes.

> while (<DATA>) {
>     chomp;
>     ($listname, $field) = split(/:/, $_);
>     print "\nListname is $listname,\nField is: $field\n";
>     %hrLists = split(/\s+/, $field);
>     $Lists{$listname} = \%hrLists;
> }
> __DATA__
> list-1: -x abc -r tenb
> list-2: -x def -r ghi -h tenr
> list-3: -x fel -h asci
> list-4: -x foo -h nonasci -r bfab
> I'm getting this output:
> Listname is list-1,
> Field is:  -x abc -r tenb
> Odd number of elements in hash assignment ...

You're getting an empty leading field;

  $ perldoc -f split 
  <relevant bits>

      Splits a string into a list of strings and returns
      that list.  By default, empty leading fields are
      preserved, and empty trailing ones are deleted.

      If EXPR is omitted, splits the "$_" string.  If
      PATTERN is also omitted, splits on whitespace
      (after skipping any leading whitespace).  Anything
      matching PATTERN is taken to be a delimiter
      separating the fields.  (Note that the delimiter
      may be longer than one character.)

      As a special case, specifying a PATTERN of space
      ("' '") will split on white space just as "split"
      with no arguments does.  Thus, "split(' ')" can be
      used to emulate awk's default behavior, whereas
      "split(/ /)" will give you as many null initial
      fields as there are leading spaces.  A "split" on
      "/\s+/" is like a "split(' ')" except that any
      leading whitespace produces a null first field.  A
      "split" with no arguments really does a "split('
      ', $_)" internally.

So try something like this:

    use Data::Dumper;

    while (<DATA>) {
        my ($listname, $field) = split /:/;
        $Lists{$listname} = split ' ', $field;
        # would have helped you spot it...
        print "listname:'$listname'\n",
              "field:   '$field'\n", 
               Dumper $Lists{$listname};


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