Shawn Wilson wrote:
> i have a couple of questions on File::Find and Image::Info ;
> 1. why is my if statement not working to detect when i have a
>     directory: last if ($file eq $dir);

Why do you think it isn't working? Unless your version of Perl
bahaves differently I would expect it to work but give an
'Exiting subroutine via last' warning. You should be using
'return' to exit a subroutine.

> 2. why do i get this message when i finally do get to an image:
> Not a CODE reference at ./ line 39.
> (this is displayed once an image is found)
> and line 39 states:
>         $type        =    $info->(file_ext);    # three letter image
> type

You are using the wrong sort of brackets. Parentheses mean that
$info must be a code reference, whereas it is actually a hash
reference whish needs braces around the key value:

    $type = $info->{file_ext}

> 3. does it make any difference to Image::Info if i do the above or put
> single quotes ( ' ) like:
> $type        =    $info->('file_ext');
> because the former doesn't work with strict. and of coarse i am
> havving a problem with that line (and probably the following 4) so, i
> was just wondering if this could be a part of it...

$info->('file_ext') is the same thing as $info->(file_ext) without
strict 'subs' in effect, but both forms are permitted within braces
and mean the same thing.

Never disable 'strict' to avoid errors - it is a false economy. In
this case it was pointing to the incorrect brackets!

> any help would be appreciated.... the full code is as follows:

[snip code]

I hope this helps,


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