Dan Muey wrote:
> I have this subroutine and it does what I need ::
> print rmgtlt($var);
> sub rmgtlt {
>         $_[0] =~ s/^\<|\>$|\n|\r|\s$//g;
>         return $_[0];
> }
> Is there a way to so the substitution and return the result in one line?
> Like ::
> sub rmgtlt {
>         return ??? $_[0] =~ s/^\<|\>$|\n|\r|\s$//g;
> }
> I tried using parenthesis and using list context ::
> return my($q) = $_[0] =~ s/(^\<|\>$|\n|\r|\s$)//g; }
> And you might have figured it returned the number of elements matched and not
> the newly fixed up variable contentes.
> Is there a way to do this?

sub rmgtlt { join '', split /^<|>$|\n|\r|\s$/, $_[0] }

use Perl;

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