We have a manual process in place to create Excel worksheets that contain
bar charts. I'm trying to automate this process using perl. The problem is
that I don't know how to access the underlying formulas, in Excel, that
generate the charts. Our current process is as follows:

1) Generate a space separated list of stats on Sun box using sar(1).
2) cut and paste this list into a pre-existing Excel spreadsheet which then
    re-draws the charts based on the new data.

What I need help with is figuring out how to create a sheet with the
necessary charts. Is this possible to do using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel? Is
there a way to determine form the existing worksheet what the formula is for
the charts.

I'm not opposed to doing this a different/better way if anyone has any
suggestions, but I'd like to avoid generating csv files since this would
require a manual "import" into Excel.

Any help is much appreciated!


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