> Hi,
> While reading each line in a file, If I find a certain number, I need to
> increment a digit within that number. For example, when reading through my
> file, I expect to find the following line.
> #define DS_FILEVERSION        7,0,0,0462
> What I want to do is have the ability to increment the first two zero's
> after the 7 on demand. I may accasionaly want to increment the first zero,
> making the number 7,1,0,0462, or a I may want to just increment the second
> zero, making the number 7,0,1,0462

hopefully something like that will work for you:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $i = 0;


        /DS_FILEVERSION/ &&
        s/,(\d),(\d)/++$i % 2 ? ",$1,@{[$2+1]}" : ",@{[$1+1]},$2"/e;




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