Rob Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John W. Krahn wrote:
>> No need to create and then dereference an anonymous array, you 
>> can get list context for the count like this:
>>           my $count = () = /\b$soundex\b/g;
> Thanks John: I've never seen that before. By rights I would have 
> thought it should assign either zero (as the number of elements 
> in an empty list) or undef (as the last element of an empty list) 
> to $count. Do you know where this is documented?

It's in "perlop" under "Assignment Operators":

    Similarly, a list assignment in list context produces the
    list of lvalues assigned to, and a list assignment in
    scalar context returns the number of elements produced by
    the expression on the right hand side of the assignment.
                          ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^

Kind of unintuitive at first, since none of the other types
of assignment work this way...


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