> Hi Joseph,
> >Probably just as well.  Is there some context where you anticipate having
> to repair broken keys after the fact?
> In this case I'm building packages, and don't want to count on the user to
> get the case of the text correct when passing the values.

LOL  I was just trying to crank out some Javascript to help with this problem when I 
realized that the problem does not exist.  The user has absolutely no control--0, 
zilch, nada--over the names and forms of any key offered to a CGI script.  You set 
these--either directly or through using a CGI module.  When you write a page:

<form name="myForm" method=POST action="myCGI.cgi">
   What's the good word, dude? <br>
  <input type=text name="ExactlyTheFromIWantToSeeThisKeyIn" value="">
  <input type=submit value="Say it!  Yeaaah!">

Then when your user chooses to say it!, whatever he or she had to say will be coded in 
your CGI parameter hash as



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