two thoughts....

I'd imagine the path to the command 'ls' is unknown.  Try the full command
path for the command.
e.g. '/bin/ls'

Prossibly a better way to write the code...
my $imagedir="/home/me/images";
chdir($imagedir) or die "Can't cd to $imagedir; $!\n";
my @jpegs = <*.jpg>;
foreach (@jpegs)  {

-----Original Message-----
From: mel awaisi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 8:43 PM
Subject: ls: *.jpg: No such file or directory


My error is as the subject says, i have a script that i am trying in it to
locate where a directory with images are.

the part in the script that the error i think is arising from is

my $dir = '/home/me/images/';
my @jpegs = `ls *.jpg`;
foreach (@jpegs) {
        print"$_";      # dont forget that a newline is still at the end of each
element in the array...

ls: *.jpg: No such file or directory



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