You need to pass the array to the function by reference, here's the fix.


sub spin
  $arr = shift;
  for (; $count > 0; $count--)
     push(@$arr, $start++);

but if all you want to do is to populate your array with value between
1025 to 1035, here's a cleaner way.

@ports = (1025 .. 1025+10);


David Newman wrote:
> Greetings. I have a newbie question about passing arrays into a subroutine
> (and getting return values as well).
> My script uses arrays for various values -- one array each for TCP port
> numbers, UDP port numbers, and the different bytes of IP addresses.
> Since I have to populate each of these arrays, I was hoping to be able to
> use one subroutine for all of them, just by feeding the subroutine the name
> of the array, the starting value, and the number of elements in the array.
> Unfortunately, the following doesn't work. I'm not even sure whether a
> subroutine can return an array.
> Thanks in advance for any pointers.
> Regards,
> David Newman
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> my $count = 10;
> my @ports;
> my $start = 1025;
> &spin(@ports);
> sub spin {
>         for (; $count > 0; $count--) {
>                 push (@_, $start++);
>         }
> }
> foreach (@ports) {
>         print "$_\n";
> }
> --
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