Pete Emerson wrote:

> Mar 16, 2003 at 5:08pm from Rob Dixon:
> RD>         (print 'abc') + ($success = 0) + (last);
> Rob, thanks, this example helps drive the point home. Would you also argue
> that
> open INFILE, $file || die "Can't open $file: $!";
> should really be written as
> die "Can't open $file: $!" if (!open INFILE, $file);
> or is this a different kettle of fish?
> By the way, I really appreciate that this list caters to multiple levels
> of "beginners"! I've not only been helped a lot on here, but I hope I've
> helped a few myself. :)

there's instances where 

        die "errmsg: $!"
                unless open(INFILE, "<", $file);

syntax is preferable. The Camel mentions this in a few places. 

IIRC you might try looking in perldoc perlstyle, although I could be wrong 
on that. Usually it's a factor of readability and intent. 

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