R p wrote:
> hi all


> i am a beginner and i need some help from you:
> here is my problem:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> i have to filter all files *.BMP and to rename all by
> *.bmp
> ------------------------------------------------------
> here is my script:
> -------------------------------------------------------
>  #!/usr/bin/perl
The first two characters of a script HAVE to be '#!' so the operating
system will recognise it as a script.

> open(BMP, "find . -type f | grep .BMP |");

You should ALWAYS verify that the pipe opened successfully.

open(BMP, "find . -type f | grep .BMP |")
    or die "Cannot open pipe to 'find . -type f | grep .BMP |' $!";

> foreach  (<BMP>) {

foreach will read the entire file into memory before processing it, you
should use a while loop instead.

while ( <BMP> ) {

>  chop;

You should use chomp instead of chop.

>  /(.*)\.BMP/;
>  print "processing image $_ ..\n";
>  system("mv", $_, "$1.bmp");

You should verify that the regular expression matched before using the
numeric variables.  You should verify that system() was successful.

    if ( /(.*)\.BMP/ ) {
        print "processing image $_ ..\n";
        system( 'mv', $_, "$1.bmp" ) == 0 or die "system 'mv $_' failed:

> }
> print "Done.";
> close(BMP)

You should ALWAYS verify that the pipe closed successfully.

close BMP or die "Cannot close pipe to 'find . -type f | grep .BMP |'

However, you could write the whole thing in perl and avoid the pipes and

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
use File::Copy;

find( sub {
    return unless -f and /^(.+)\.BMP$/s;
    move( $_, "$1.bmp" ) or warn "Cannot move $_: $!";
    }, '.' );


use Perl;

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