Gufranul Haque wrote:
> Hello all,
> I need to process a record
> Key1   3.00 4.00    5.00
> I need to trap spaces between nonwhitespace characters as array
> elements i.e for the above record
> the resulting array should be
> ('   ',' ','    ')
> The staement that I am using
> my @spaces = map /(\s+)/, $_;
> is able to trap only the 3 whitespaces between Key1 and 3.00 ('   ')

You're using 'map' to map a single element list ($_), so
your statement is the same as:

    my @spaces = $_ =~/(\s+)/;
or just
    my @spaces = /\s+/;

You can make this statement return _all_ of the space sequences
by using the /g modifier.

    my @spaces = /\s+/g;

but I suspect that you may want all of the non-space data as well.

    my @everything = split /(\s+)/;

will return all the data and all of the spaces:

    print join ", ", map "'$_'", @everything;
    'Key1', '   ', '3.00', ' ', '4.00', '    ', '5.00'



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