Thanks, Rob!  I just sent out my proposed solution for 1.b and 1.c, and
they basically match yours.  Makes me feel good.

Thanks for the one-step way to write it, too.

By the way, do you have any array-less way to do 2 or 3 in the original

2 was to count the number of colon-delimited substrings without using an

3 was to compare one string to another and count the number of
colon-delimited substrings that match in the same positions.  For example,
these two strings:

string1 = :L000:W000:M260:M:B297:
string2 = :M260:W000:B601:

would have only one match -- W000.  The M260 is present in both, but not in
the same position, a "position" being the order of the substrings within
the main string.



Scott E. Robinson
UTC Onsite User Support
RR-690 -- 281-654-5169
EMB-2813N -- 713-656-3629

                      "Rob Dixon"                                                      
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]             
            >                  cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  Re: Searching for the right 
regular expressions                    
                      03/24/03 11:23 AM                                                

Scott E Robinson wrote:
> Hi, Rob!  Amazing how quickly you coded those up!
> 1.a. works great.
> 1.b. doesn't quite work yet.  The revised version (my @wanted =
> $string =~ /\b\w\d*\b/ig;) seems to let everything pass through it.

Sorry, I would say I'm having a bad day, but I'm not - I have no excuse!

>       b. remove all but the single-character and all-numeric
> substrings and leave the rest alone?

    my @wanted = $string =~ /\b(\w|\d+)\b/ig;
    print "@wanted\n";


    M 8

> 1.c. - Sorry I wasn't clear.  I need to keep the all-numeric
> substrings as well as keeping the single- and double-letter substrings.

    my $string = ':1:12:123:1234:A:AA:AAA:AAAA:A1:A11:A111:';
    my @wanted = $string =~ /\b(\w\w?|\d+)\b/ig;
    print "@wanted\n";


    1 12 123 1234 A AA A1

> Does the output have to go to an array?  I can just reassemble it to a
> single string (either delimited by colons or single blanks) as you
> showed, but wondered if it can be skipped for greater efficiency.

It has to go /via/ a list, but you can do it in one step without
using an array like this:

    my $string = ':B520:L201:M:M260:8:G607:';
    my $subset = join ':', '', $string =~ /\b(\w\w?|\d+)\b/ig, '';
    print $subset;



Is that any better? :-)


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