when i run the program like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] util]# ./addvpdnuser.pl
sampleusername, samplepassword,sampledescription,sampleattr

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry 'sample' for key 1 at ./addvpdnuser.pl line 17, <> line 1.
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry 'sample' for key 1 at ./addvpdnuser.pl line 17, <> line 1.

That's the error message of the program.

At 08:54 AM 3/28/2003 +0000, Rob Anderson wrote:
Hi Jaws (!?),

You don't say where your script is failing, or what errors it's reporting,
which is going to make it hard for anyone to help. You could add some better
error checking. Here's a couple of lines lifted from one of my CGI's.

my $dbh;
eval { $dbh = DBI->connect( $DATA_SOURCE, $DB_USER, $DB_PASSWORD, {
RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 } ) };

if ($@) {
    print "Failed in connecting to database, see following error<br/>\n";
    print $@ . "<br/>\n";

Perhaps you could add something like this to your script to get a better
idea of what's not working. You can put this type of error checking around
your compare and execute statements as well.

Good Luck


"Jaws" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> i am new to perl and i want to use it with DBI:mysql module. I want to
> connect to my sql server and do some data manipulation like , insert,
> update and delete. I read the DBI documention but i cant get through to
> my script working. any help is needed. below is my script.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use DBI;
> $database="sampledb";
> $host="localhost";
> $user="db";
> $pw="mysql";
> $dbh=DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$host",$user,$pw,
> {RaiseError => 1});
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{INSERT INTO USERS
>           }) or die $dbh->errstr;
>           while (<>) {
>               chomp;
>               my ($USERNAME,$PASSWORD,$DESCRIPTION,$ATTRIBUTE) = split
>               $sth->execute($USERNAME,$PASSWORD,$DESCRIPTION,$ATTRIBUTE)
> die $dbh->errstr;
>           }
>           $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr;
> $dbh->disconnect;
> --------------
> Thanks.
> Jaws

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--------------------------- cheers, jaws

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