
I've got some files, that were written with a COBOL program, so I have fields
that have been created with COMP (binary) "picture" clauses.  The problem is
now I need to read this file into a perl program.  Here's what I have:

05 RECORD-TYPE                PIC X.
05 LOC-ID                     PIC S9(4)  COMP.
05 PO-ID                      PIC S9(8)  COMP.
05 SHIP-ID                    PIC X(8).
05 SHIP-DT                    PIC S9(8)  COMP.

Is there a way to break-down the COMP fields into a readable format?  If I
recall from my COBOL days, a signed-COMP(4)  will take up 3 bytes.  How can I
read this file?? 


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