Li Ngok Lam wrote:
> My method  sounds stupid, but still works :
> my @array = ('123', 'abc', 'def',  1..9);
> my $len_of_array =  0 ;
> foreach my $elem(@array)
> {    $len_of_array += length($elem) }
> print $len_of_array ; # I got '18'
> my %hash = (1=>2, 2=>3, 3=>4);
> foreach my $key(keys(%hash))
> {    $len_of_hash += length($key) + length($hash{$key}) }
> print $len_of_hash ; # I got '6'
> I suppose there should be another better and faster way to done this,
> any suggestion ?

It really depends on what you expect to do with the result that
you're getting. A Perl variable is a lot more than just its value -
it includes usage data and status flags as well. Also an array
has a collection of this sort of data of its own as well as each
element of the array being a separate Perl scalar with separate

Besides this, if you take the length of a numeric value as in the
last nine elements of your @array then it will first be converted
to a string before the length can be taken. Perl will hold onto
both the numeric and string data as long as they are both valid
in case it needs to use them again. The same value will therefore
occupy a different amount of space depending on what you've done
with it.

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