Eric Walker wrote:

> Sorry for the ignorance but I think I am able to pull the first layer of
> the hash but the values that are also hashes or arrays I get memory
> pointers out .

Not exactly.  Those are references.  The difference in some ways is suble, but
the upshot is that you shold never try to do pointer aritmetic on references.

> For example:
> TEMP: 2.0
> TEMP5: ARRAY(0xdb660)
> TEMP6: HASH(0xa2058)
> Any suggestions on how to access the array and or hash at that point?

To access a hash element from a reference to the hash:
$hash_ref->{$key} or $hash_ref->{'My_literal_key_name'}

To access an array element from a reference to the array:
$array_ref->[0] or $array_ref->[$n]

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