mel awaisi wrote:

> >There was a thread earlier today about namespaces. Check out the archive it
> >was quite informative.
> >
> > > line 140. Global symbol "$smtp" requires explicit
> > > package name at line 143. Global symbol "$smtp"
> > > requires explicit package name at line 151. Global
> > > symbol "$smtp" requires explicit package name at
> > > line 152. Global symbol "$smtp" requires explicit package
> > > name at line 155. Global symbol "$smtp" requires
> > > explicit package name at line 159. Global symbol
> >

Hi Mel,

Since your two scripts were developoed separately, you might want to add
use strict;
to, and work on that until it compiles cleanly.  These errors
indicate that you are not declaring your variables properly.  Once that script
compiles cleanly, you could integrate the code from into it.

I would say that you are also pushing the limits of what you can sensibly do
with scripting.  If you wish to be able to develop complicated processes, you
should really learn how to write subroutines and functions.

perldoc perlsub
perldoc perlref
perldoc perlreftut

Hint: If the code in renamer was properly packaged within functions, you would
not have to cut and paste code.  You could use renamer as a module, and call
functions from it in other scripts.


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