Saurabh Singhvi wrote:

> well i was trying to understand the "regular
> expressions" in perl when i came across <STDIN>

Please recognize this as the coincidence it is.  Regular expressions
and filehandles are two different subjects.  If you are somehow
linking the particular built-in filehandle with the regular
epression tools, you should break the linkage, and study each on its

> i
> tried my best but i havent been able to get the
> slightest idea on how the input thing works.

The thing that works is not the filehandle itself, but the getline
operator <>.  Placing the filehandle STDIN within the angle
barckets--in a context where the expreesion is an rvalue in a scalar
assignment, tells the operator to act on STDIN.  Likewise, when
taken in an array or list context, the operator gets all
lines/records from the file and pushes each into the list on the
left of the assignment.

> The
> editor i use is DzSoft.

Was this editor designed for Perl?  I would recommend using a simple
code editor that offers auto-indent and Unix line endings. but
without code-sensitive features.  Your best bet is to take the error
and warnings messages directly from the command-line, since an
intermediary application may simply add another layer of confusion

> And it shows something like
> "get" and something else below like script something

"something"s will seldom lead to progess in debugging.  I don't mean
to be picky here, but programming is a preisise art, where each
character is in the code for a specific, and hopefully
well-tought-out reason.  Likewise, debugging messages arte delivered
in as exact a form as logically possible.

 I put it this way because the interpreter generally issues an error
only when the meaning or intent of code is impossible to decipher.
When you use strict, you essentially tell the interpreter to do a
little ;ess mind-reading, and to tell you when your instructions are
too vague to be dependable.

> with blank space.
> Any  hopes 4 me?? :-(

use strict;
Pay attention to the exact wording of messages returned by the
Don't deal with thingies, gizmos, or whatnots.  Learn specific
program structures and constructs, and respect the material.

If you have a true passion for creating process, and you are willing
to put serous and careful work into it, you can learn to program.


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