Angel Gabriel wrote at Wed, 04 Jun 2003 17:44:28 +0100:

> As some of you know, I'm attempting to create an internal system to
> automate some stuff. This is how I plan to do this...

Year, that's exactly the way, you should start.
It will be possible to translate your pseudo code nearly 1:1 to Perlish :-)

> ....
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> include email reading modules

There are a lot of them on CPAN, depending what email system you are using
(mbox, pop, imap, whatever windows uses, ...) and what kind of interface
you prefer.

> include grep modules (if exists, not found any yet)

I'm not sure what you mean with that.
grep is a perl and a shell command with similar, but not exact the same
Perhaps it's better, when you clarify that point a bit better.

> include MySQL writing modules

Erm, the normal way is to use the generic database indepentend module
and a driver for MySQL, should be
(both on CPAN).

The documentation for them is very large and should already help you.

(If you plan simple database things,
 you might also have a look to the CPAN module

> read email from pop mail box

Simple with the right module (Net::POP3 could be one).

> take email addresses from header or attachment, (maybe both)

Taking from header is simple (I would suggest Mail::Header),
taking from attachment is a bit more difficult.
A bit more clarification could be helpful.

> add to MySql database

Easy with the DBI and DBD::mysql (alltough it's perhaps more an INSERT)

> forward email to another pop account

Also easy with the right module, I suggest e.g. Mail::Mailer (allthough,
there are many other ones)

> delete email

Done by Net::POP3 e.g.

> end

> i am hopping that all the steps that i hope to do, can actually be
> achieved in perl.
> if anyone knows of any gotchas that i might face, can someone say so?

Good luck, you're on the right way to (camel) heaven.

If you get problems in the specific implementation, this group will be
there to help you.


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