Chinku Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I am facing a problem with text file manipulation
: with Perl.
: I have a file with over 2 lac lines of data.

    Strange. It looks like you've posted a similar
message yesterday, except that file had a lot more
blank lines. Have you made no progress? What have
you tried so far? Which file format is the correct
one? (And what the heck are "lac lines"?)

    AFAIK, this is a forum for beginning perl
programmers to get advice on improving their
programming skills and finding perl solutions to
their problems. It is not intended as a forum to
obtain free customized scripts or to reduce the
expense of hiring a seasoned perl programmer at
your place of business.

    Read some of the documentation that comes with
perl. Many contributors to this list started just
that way. Look for similar questions in the
archives of this list and others. is
you friend. Take a close look at the FAQs that
come with perl.

    Show an effort to write this script yourself
and you'll have many of us falling over each other
to help you. Keep demanding help like you're doing
and expect that many of us will delete your posts
without reading them.


Charles K. Clarkson
Head Bottle Washer,
Clarkson Energy Homes, Inc.
Mobile Home Specialists
254 968-8328

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