>>>> Is there a way to discover the filename of the current file being read when
>>>> using the angle brackets (e.g. while (<>) {} )?
[stuff cut out]
> Bottom line, <> won't help you!
> I can think of ways of piping through ARGV but, really, you don't
> want to go there - believe me.
> Some points to help you.
> - Perl is very good at guessing what you want, but I don't
> think reading from a pipe is ever one of its options
> - Piping is often a bad way of doing something that Perl
> will do much more easily
> - There are many, like me, who will enjoy plumbing the depths
> of their knowledge in a particular direction which may be of
> no use to you
> - It's far better to describe your problem to the list than to
> ask how to implement your solution. Think "My wife hates me!"
> as opposed to "Where do I get Vallium?"

Good advice, Rob.  Here goes my attempt at "My wife hates me!".  =)

I'm writing a program ("showme") similar to grep, where the user sends data
and a pattern (possibly spanning multiple lines), and the script tells what
file the pattern is found in, and what it found.  Very simple.

The problem is reading either out of a pipe or out of files.  The following
is what I'd like it to output:

mytestfile:  blah1\ndog\ncat\nblah2\n
mytestfile2:  blah3\ncow\n

% showme
showme <pattern> [filenames]
- displays pattern matches in files

% showme 'h\d' mytestfile*
mytestfile: h1
mytestfile: h2
mytestfile2: h3

% echo "blah4" | showme

Here's what I have so far:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# showme, v0.1

sub process_file {
  if (!-f || ($_ =~ /^\./)) { return; }
  open(FILE, $_) || die("Couldn't open $_: $!\n");
    undef $/;
    $content = <FILE>;
  while ($content =~ /($showme)/mgi) { print "$_:  $1\n"; }

if (!defined($showme = shift)) { print "showme <pattern> [filenames]\n" .
"- displays pattern matches in files\n"; exit(0); }

if (@ARGV) {
  foreach (@ARGV) { process_file; }
else {   
  $content = <>;
  while ($content =~ /($showme)/mgi) { print "$_:  $1\n"; }

exit (0);

... but it never hits the last else (obviously) because it's caught by the
first line.  I don't know how to test to see if there's any data in the
pipe, so I'm not sure how to even start.

Any ideas?


- Bryan


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