Richard Heintze said:

> Why does this program print "yes def" but not "yes
> xyz"? It does print "xyz:def", so I don't understand
> why it does not print "yes xyz".
> {
>   my %x = ( xyx => 'abc', d => 'y', f => 'g' );

Presumably because the key you specified is xyx, not xyz.

>   $x{"def"} = "fhi";
>   print  qq($_ : ).$x{$_}.qq(\n)   foreach (keys %x);
>   foreach (keys %x) { print "yes xyz\n" if ($_ =~
> "xyz");  }
>   foreach (keys %x) { print "yes def\n" if ($_ =~
> "def");  }
>   print $x{'xyz'}."\n";
> }

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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