
--i think i am getting closer to solving this, but
--i have ran into a problem.

--the below program works to the point where it
--will return the data, but not ALL of the data.

--for example, i get only about 50 or so lines when
--if i do the queries by hand, i get over 200 with 
--different $tables and $users.  in the outfile,
--i only get the first person and some of her tables.
--is it my query?  how can i tell where this script
--is failing since Perl has not generated an error?

--thanks again!


[snip script] 

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# created: 16 June 03 -X

# script to get table information and 
# append it to a new file (DDL format)
# and prep for use by Oracle

use strict;
use diagnostics;
use DBI;
use Cwd;

### i create a list of users to 
### abuse later

my $list="userlist.txt";
my $file="newlist.txt";
my $local_dir=cwd;

open (DIR, $local_dir) or die "can nae open local directory: $!";

my $date=`date '+%d %B %Y'`;
chomp ($date);

# should be the address of sender and users
my $addr='[EMAIL PROTECTED]';

# when all else fails ... cheat ...

# get a list of users best way  you 
# can and keep a text copy.

# connect to database

my $dbh=DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname='test_db', 'joe_user')
        or die "Can not connect: $!";

# get list to use later

my $sql =<<EOQ;
        select tablename, tableowner
        from pg_tables
        where tableowner = ?

# set up error checking
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Error =", DBI::errstr;

$sth->execute($dbh->selectrow_array('select distinct tableowner from

# this works; now will test the sql part
#$sth->execute ('joe_user');

unless ($sth->execute) {
        print"\n\tExecute failed for stmt:\n\t$sql\nError = ",
        die "\n\t\tClean up finished\n";

open FILE, ">$file" or die "can nae open text file: $!";

while ( my($table, $user)=$sth->fetchrow_array ) {
        print FILE "$table", "$user", "\n";

close (DIR);
close (FILE);




[/snip script]

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