----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jaschar Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:34 AM
Subject: RE: RE: Check if webserver is online

> >Howdy,
> >
> >> i own a webserver and i have  site on my
> >> own PC. I want that the visitors on my
> >> server website are able to see if my local PC
> >> is online. I've got linux,apache and ISDN on
> >> my own PC and i use a dyn dns tool so the
> >> IP is not the problem (i've got a
> >> somename.no-ip.com) adress.
> >>
> >> I want i.e. a small image displayed on my
> >> server website that tells me if this adress
> >> is reachable or not. the website is a single
> >> perl script so implementation is no problem
> >> but it should be as fast as possible.
> >>
> >> Any suggestions ?
> >
> >On server have a script that calls another script on your home machine
via LWP.
> >If it gets reply back display "I'm up and running" image
> >If not reply then display "I'm asleep now" image.
> >
> >HTH
> >
> >Dmuey
> Sorry, I don't like those 'two-scripts' solutions,
> i'd rather prefer something like 'ping' but i don't
> really know how to do that. I will try around with
> your suggestion but it's not really what i want.

You are right ping is the best way to know if the machine is connected to
the network. Search for ICMP on cpan

Mark G

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