Hello. I am new to Perl. I used to program in C years ago (not C++ # etc)

I have the simplest question. I am running active state perl 5 on Win XP.

I'm using OpenPERL Ide 1.0

# Camel-Learning Perl
# Exercise 2-4
# Input a & b from Console <STDIN>
# Then multiply & print them
print "Enter an integer: ",$a=<STDIN>;        # This don't work
print "Enter an integer: \n";                            # Neither does this
$a=<STDIN>;                                                # ...

This program excerpt above is driving me crazy! I can NOT get the PROMPT to appear 
BEFORE the program waits for input. I have tried several different ways to do this. No 
matter what I do, the screen stays blank, until I enter a value, THEN the prompt is 
printed! This works for me, but when I get into a larger program, the USER is going to 
have to read the PROMPT BEFORE they know what to type in!

Can you help me out here?

Thank you,
Scott Graham

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