> Hi, I really green to perl and would like suggestions on 
> creating a script that would allow users to modify a certain 
> file from a web page.  This file is a list of customers a 
> particular sales person will cover.  So, the web page will 
> allow this sales person to add, delete and update this 
> customer list at his or her discretion.  Of course, it would 
> also be nice to assign a password for each sales person.  Any 
> suggestions welcome.

Well you can use open(), or if the file size isn't extremely huge
The File::Slurp Module is nice,
But you may also want to look into using the DBI Module and storiing your data
In a mysql database (or other db for that matter).

As far as the password goes it depends on how you implememt it, 
You could store it along with the data somehow and check it in the script or
Use your webserver's auth methods like htaccess to verify them and then 
Only let $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} manage their own data.



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