Trevor Morrison wrote:
> Hi,


> I am new to using Perl to parse a file.  What I am trying to do is
> parse a file that is made of online orders.  I have written some code
> using for and if statements that will go through the file line by line
> and using regex I try to match the information with the variables so
> that I can write it to a MySQL database.  This works fine as long as
> each order has their information  where it is supposed to be?

Are the records separated by something or are they all 26 lines long?

> Is there an easier way of doing this?

Probably, if we could see an example of what the data looks like.

> I get half way through processing
> the file and the arrays turn to jibberish!  I have included my script if
> it helps any.  TIA

You should enable warnings and strict to let perl help you find

use warnings;
use strict;

> open(Order, "<c:\\maverick\\test2.TXT") || die ("Cannot find the file test2.TXT");

You should include the $! variable in you error message so you know why
it failed.

> flock(Order,2);

You should use the flock constants from the Fcntl module.

use Fcntl ':flock';

flock Order, LOCK_EX or die "Cannot flock c:\\maverick\\test2.TXT: $!";

> @miva_orders=<Order>;

It is not necessary to read the whole file into memory in order to
process the data.

> @order_number = ();
> @date = ();
> @time = ();
> @bill_first_name = ();
> @bill_last_name = ();
> @ship_first_name = ();
> @ship_last_name = ();
> @emai_address = ();
> @phone_number = ();
> @phone_number2 = ();
> @business_name = ();
> @sold_to_street = ();
> @bill_to_street = ();
> @bill_to_city = ();
> @bill_to_state = ();
> @bill_to_zip = ();
> @ship_to_city = ();
> @ship_to_state = ();
> @ship_to_zip = ();
> @contry = ();
> @code = ();
> @name = ();
> @quantity = ();
> @price_each = ();
> @shipping_method = ();
> @shipping_amount = ();

It might make more sense to use a single data structure instead of
multiple separate variables.

> #shift @miva_orders;
> #shift @miva_orders;
> print "Arrya[0] is: $miva_orders[0]\n";
> print "$length\n";
> for ($n=1; $n<$length; $n=$n+26) {

You don't really need the $length variable.

for ( my $n = 1; $n < @miva_orders; $n += 26 ) {

> print "N : $n and value of $miva_orders[$n]\n";
> if ($order_number[$n] eq ""){
> [snip]
> flock(order,8);
> close(order);

You don't need to unlock the file as closing it will automatically
unlock it.  Also you are trying to unlock and close a different file
handle then the one you opened.

use Perl;

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