
I am trying to get my script to be able to read from the command line
arguments as well as take input from a pipe.  This is what I have basically:

#----------------------- (begin) --------------------#
use warnings;

sub parseFile()
    while (<F>) {
        # do some processing to the file
        #  ...

if (@ARGV) {
    # this part works fine
    $file = shift;
    open(F, "< $file") or die "cannot open file $file: $!\n";
else {
    # trying to read from a pipe, such as 'cat file | thisScript.pl'

#----------------------- (end) --------------------#

When I run this, as in 'cat myFile | thisScript.pl', I get:
Too many arguments for main::parseFile at ./x line 16, near "*F)"
Too many arguments for main::parseFile at ./x line 21, near "*STDIN)"

Help please.


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