Fuzzy wrote:
> i need to know how do file i/o.

perldoc perlopentut
perldoc perlsyn

> i know c, c++, php, 5 different vb, so i'm not new to programming, just
> to perl.
> i'm going to be send stuff to this script using a html form via ACTION=,
> so i need to know how to pull them in, smush them into a string in a
> format and write it (in append mode) to a file.

perldoc CGI

> i know how to do this in
> php, but php runs as 'nobody' and i dont want to leave this file with
> world write access

Any process that your web server runs, whether written in C, C++, VB or
Perl, is run as 'nobody'.

> here's the final format i need
> 00-00-00,00:00,file.ext,"title with spaces in quotes"
> the first part is a date
> second is a time
> 3rd is a file name
> fourth is a string in quotes, the quotes are important
> in php i would use
> $outout = sprintf("%s,%s,%s,\"%s\"", $date, $time, $file, $title);

It is exactly the same in perl.  Or you could write it like this:

$outout = sprintf '%s,%s,%s,"%s"', $date, $time, $file, $title;

Or like this:

$outout = join ',', $date, $time, $file, qq("$title");


use Perl;

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