Mark G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well I just tryed runing  'CPAN::Shell->i' from the shell, and it failed to
> launch it. Can you run  'CPAN::Shell->i' from your systems default shell ??
> you can try using ppm instead.

Ahh I guess it doesn't know about `use CPAN' in the parent script.

But that was the whole point.. to run CPAN::Shell->i from inside a
script and process the output.

>From the command line:

  perl -e 'use CPAN;CPAN::Shell->i'

works here, to get the output.  

>From perldoc it appears that something like this should work but it
doesn't either:
my ($wtr, $wdr, $err, @item, $pid);

$pid = open2($wtr, $rdr,  'perl -e ', 'use CPAN;',  'CPAN::Shell->i;');

  print $wtr "$_\n";
  print "shell output: $_\n" while <$rdr>;

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