My first guess is that '.' being a metacharacter u would need to escape it somehow.

something like this:

foreach my $filter_key(@FFW) {
        $filter_key = quotemeta($filter_key);


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 3:52 PM
Subject: Regex or Looping problem ?

<snipped some annoying code>

foreach my $result(@filelist)  # a script snipped was given a file list 
   { chomp ($result); 
    my $com_result = $result;
    $com_result =~ s/^$root//; 
        # $root was a defined var, where using to target the below filter focus 
        # on the rest of parameter besides from the common root.
    my $skip_this = 0; if (@FFW)  # FFW stands for Filter File With
    {  foreach my $filter_key (@FFW)
      $skip_this = 1 if ($com_result =~ /$filter_key/i);
      last if $skip_this;
    } } next if $skip_this;
    my $skip_this = 0; if (@FFO) # FFO stands for Filter files without
    {  foreach my $filter_key (@FFO)
     { $skip_this = 1 if ($com_result !~ /$filter_key/i);
      last if $skip_this;
    } } next if $skip_this;
    push @ret, $result if ($result);

<snipped rest of code>

The problem is if I give @FFW or @FFO a values like ('.txt', '.doc')
the regex won't take care of the '.', I have try to modify like :
$com_result =~ /$->{filter_key}/i
I then get my job done with a new script, but unable to done the job 
when back to this script. So I wonder if there is something wrong 
with the 'next' statement . Anyway, I just can't figure out what's going 
wrong, any pointers ?


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