I'm writing scripts that are basically wrappers for Linux shell commands.

I want to be able to 1) print messages to screen along with say the first
line of any STDERR, and 2) print messages, STDOUT, and STDERR to go to a

The best I've come up with is something like the followng, which doesn't
include STDOUT...

open (LOG, ">$locations{log_file}") or die "[fail]...";
#open (STDERR, ">&LOG") or die "[fail] Can't dup STDERR";
#open (STDOUT, ">&LOG") or die "[fail] Can't dup STDOUT";
select (LOG); $| = 1;    # make unbuffered

sys ("cp foobar baz",
     'copy to baz', 0);
sub sys
    my ($cmd, $english, $fatal) = (@_, 1);
    feedback ($english);
    print LOG `$cmd 2>&1`;
    if ($? == '0') {
        feedback ("[okay] $cmd");
        return 1;
    } else {
        feedback ("[fail] $cmd");
        feedback ("[error] $!$^E");
        $failed = 1;
        cleanup() if ($fatal==1);
        return 0;

sub feedback
    my $line = sprintf ("%s %s", (strftime "%H:%M", localtime), $_[0]);
    print LOG "$line\n";
    $line = (substr $line, 0, 79)."\n";
    $emailtext .= $line;
    print STDOUT $line;

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