It was Tuesday, July 08, 2003 when Pablo Fischer took the soap box, saying:
: Hi!
: Im looking for information on how to create my own Mail Sender that connects 
: to a SMTP Server, I found a few sites, so Im looking for more information to 
: start. What do I want? I want to send mails from my perl source to any smtp 
: server not mattering if it's running sendmail, postfix, exim, ms, bla bla.
: Howerver I also found Mail::Sender, but this module doesnt have the enough 
: information so that I can start with it taking like a Mail Sender. Does 
: anybody have more information of Mail::Sender?

Mail::Sender is an option, the easiest module that I've used to send
mail in any form is MIME::Lite.  But if you want to go low level,
close to the SMTP level, try Net::SMTP.  Proper documentation can be
found by the same means you already have for Mail::Sender.

  Casey West

Shooting yourself in the foot with DBase IV, V1.0 
You pull the trigger, but it turns out that the gun was a poorly
designed hand grenade and the whole building blows up. 

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