The answer to this is probably out there somewhere, but I haven't run across
it yet, so a pointer to a webpage/tutorial/FAQ/whatever would be fine...

I'm trying to put together an object class (my first OO attempt) for a
Curses-like interface to a serial LCD display.
I want to have multiple objects that different code can write to (menus,
status, etc), and a method to update the display (a la 'refresh' in curses).
The problem/question is: how do I have all the different objects in this
same class access the object that gets updated?

In other words, let's say $main_display is the object that represents what
is (or should be) currently on the display, and $menu_display is an object
that gets updated with new menu items. When I do $menu_display->refresh, the
data in the $menu_display object needs to be transfered to the $main_display
object (and comparisons made, and data written to the LCD).
I suppose I could have a call like:
(or something like that...I'm still getting used to the syntax), but that
seems a waste to have to pass data manually, when the $menu_display object
should be able to do it itself.


Paul Archer

 Never ascribe to malice what can perfectly
 well be explained by stupidity. -Anonymous

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