On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 09:20:20 +0800, "LI NGOK LAM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there anyway to modify my BIOS clock by Perl ?
> and more, is there anyway to adjust my BIOS clock, so
> to sync. with other time servers ?

1) This is a very OS/hardware/BIOS specific question.  While it should be the last 
resort, there is a good chance you will hit last resort territory on this issue, you 
can always shell out to a utility that will do it for you. For instance 'hwclock' 
available on most Linuxes and maybe other *nixes, will set the bios clock.

2) Presumably your system clock is set to the bios clock, and there should be a way to 
hook into the time daemon that is doing the setting of the system clock to find out 
when it has done an update, then just run whatever method you have for #1.  Some of 
the time servers may have this capability built-in, but then that really isn't a Perl 


This should be sufficient for most applications, though we aren't talking real time 
clock support or anything that precise.

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