On Jul 21, Bob Showalter said:

>Uh-uh. $_ and foreach iterators don't behave that way, nor should they. Look
>at what $_ is doing in that example. $1 is doing the same thing.

His examples don't show what you're talking about, and you didn't provide
any examples yourself.  You can't iterate over a list of values for $1 to
get assigned to it, like you can with $_ or any other foreach iterator.

Here's the problem.  The $DIGIT variables are localized to a block, but
they're done so in a manner that I don't think you can achieve in Perl,
without adding an additional block to code:

  ($s = "a") =~ /(.)/;
  for (0 .. 2) {
    print "$1.";
    (++$s) =~ /(.)/;

This code prints "a.b.c.".  One might argue that $1 should be "a" at the
start of EACH iteration of the block, but this is not the case.  But we
can't make local()ized values persist like that:

  $x = ($s = 10);
  for (0 .. 2) {
    print "$x.";
    local $x = ++$s;

This prints "10.10.10.", as it should.  If we wanted it to print
"10.11.12.", we'd need to do more work:

    $x = ($s = 10);
    local $x = $x;
    for (0 .. 2) {
      print "$x.";
      $x = ++$s;

This prints "10.11.12.", but we had to move the localization outside the
loop.  The localization of the $DIGIT variables is implicit, and seems to
be moved to JUST OUTSIDE the block.

This is the issue.  Why are the $DIGIT variables bound to the block
they're in IN TOTALITY, rather than for the life of the execution of the

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.pobox.com/~japhy/
RPI Acacia brother #734   http://www.perlmonks.org/   http://www.cpan.org/
<stu> what does y/// stand for?  <tenderpuss> why, yansliterate of course.
[  I'm looking for programming work.  If you like my work, let me know.  ]

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